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Image by Alejandro Piñero Amerio
Transformeer je leven met de Emotie Code:
de volgende stap in jouw evolutie

sessies in De Evolutie (Ingeborg)

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Emotie Code 

Infosessie Emotie Code 

Do you regularly notice any of the emotions below with your child? 

Image by Simran Sood
fear of failure
Moving People
A Hug
Stressed Woman
Image by Hardcore Brain
Sad Girl in the Window
 Young Woman Contemplating

Then an Emotion Code session may bring more balance

Image by Nik

POWERFUL Kids program what can you expect?

  • Thanks to the POWERFUL Kids program, your child will relax, feel good in his/her own skin  and your child will be in his/her strength.


  • The program aims to teach your child, together with you, all the techniques that have an empowering impact, not only on your child's inner strength and peace, but also on yours.

Emotion Code: late

pinned emotions loose layer by layer

Each of us has a beautiful core deep within us. The pinned emotions are stuck in layers built around your core.


During an Emotion Code session, the pinned emotions are released layer by layer. You can see it as an onion that is peeled off layer by layer and you get to the core.


Vastgezette emoties-4.jpg
Image by Phạm Chung 🇻🇳
Course of a workshop

During an online (or physical) session (30-45 minutes) I connect with your subconscious/your child's subconscious. 


I look for the underlying pinned emotions that may be the cause of certain requests for help.  


Using a magnet, the pinned emotions are released from your central meridian.


Attention:  An emotion code session supports and supplements medical or psychological help.  An emotion code is not a medical or therapeutic session.

Course of a workshop

An emotion code session can be done for all ages, from babies to seniors.  It can even be used for pets.


A session for your child under 14 is done through you.  Sessions for young people from the age of 14 can be arranged directly with them if they wish.  It is also possible through the parent up to the age of 18.  


Parental consent is always required for a session for minors.


Attention: are you pregnant? Then you cannot have an Emotion Code session done.

Image by Josue Michel
Course of a workshop

After booking and paying for a session online, you will receive an email with a link to Calendly.  Via that link you can record an appointment in my agenda.


After recording the appointment, you will receive a zoom link.


At the agreed time we have contact via zoom.  Would you prefer a physical session in my practice in Bruges, that is possible.  Contact me at after booking.


 We will be in contact via zoom at the agreed time.  I tune into your/your child's subconscious and help release the stuck emotions. 



Kathy Metdenancxt


★ Initiator of Kiyashi
★ Creator of Hartjesmagie children's meditation workshop
★ Creator of Shiny KidsTalent Camp
★ Certified Energetic Therapist since 2005
★ Jip and Jan certified Children's meditation coach since 2016

★ Certified Holistic Child and Youth Coach since 2016

★Certified Children's Talent Whisperer since 2019



Since 2016 I have been guiding children and young people to more inner peace as a holistic child and youth coach and children's meditation coach.  self confidence  and awareness.


During the past 5 years I have  Hundreds of children and young people are guided to feel good about themselves and to be strong in life.


The POWERFUL Kids program contains all the techniques I have applied in recent years, both in my own family and with the children and young people with wonderful results.



Course of a workshop

During 48 hours after the session, the pinned emotions are energetically and physically released.


This can cause a physical or emotional release in yourself or your child.  This is completely normal.  


After those 48 hours, the effects of the session become more visible.  You can notice this on an emotional, physical or mental level.


When you notice improvement for a few days/weeks, but feel like you/your child is having a "relapse", then you have entered the next layer.  You are then ready for an extra follow-up session.  Please contact me as soon as possible.  In children this can go very quickly as they have fewer layers.

Image by Dan Gold

Experiences of parents and children with the application of the techniques.

Mommy L.
apply after 2 weeks
of the exercises

Whenever K. feels her anger rising, she goes to her room and does the tapping exercises.

We notice a noticeable improvement and more peace in our family!

M. 8 years

Sometimes I feel sad and I can't fall asleep.  Together with mom I do the "knock knock" exercises and that's how I succeed.

Experiences of parents and children with the application of the techniques.

Mommy L.
apply after 2 weeks
of the exercises

Whenever K. feels her anger rising, she goes to her room and does the tapping exercises.

We notice a noticeable improvement and more peace in our family!

M. 8 years

Sometimes I feel sad and I can't fall asleep.  Together with mom I do the "knock knock" exercises and that's how I succeed.

Frequently Asked Questions

My child is younger than 6 years old, can we still participate?


It is slightly more difficult for children younger than 6 years to apply the techniques.  I would recommend waiting a year or possibly learning the techniques individually in my practice.



My child is very sensitive to stimuli from others and participation in a group is difficult.


I could learn the techniques individually in my practice.  Contact me via


Can our participation be canceled due to illness, for example? Will we receive a refund?

It is possible to move your participation to the next workshop or to receive a voucher.  It is not possible to receive a refund.


Are you sure we can achieve positive results?

Hundreds of children have already achieved positive results with the techniques with regular use. Best results are achieved with daily application.  When the exercises are not often applied, the positive result is short-lived.  The message is to persevere.


How much time should I spend with my child on the exercises at home?

Once you have mastered the exercises, it only takes about 5 to 10 minutes a day.


I don't have much time to sit with my child on a daily basis, does it make sense for us to participate?  


You will achieve the best results if you spend time every day on the exercises that only take 5 to 10 minutes.   Following the workshop once and then not applying it has little effect.


My child is not motivated to participate. Should I not register us then?


For optimal effect, it is very important that your child is motivated to participate.  If not, participation is pointless.  

My child is easily distracted and group participation is difficult.  What now?


Contact me for an individual appointment in my practice.



Participation in Bruges is not feasible for us, are workshops also organized at other locations?


Contact me and we'll see if it is practically feasible to organize the workshop in your neighborhood or online.


When will we receive access to the online page?


After the first workshop you will receive login details for the online page.


How can we keep in touch and ask questions between two workshops?


You will receive access to an online FB group.  In that group you can ask me unlimited questions during the 4 weeks.   You can share your experiences with other participants.


I would like to participate with my two children, is that possible?


You can participate with two children.  For your second child you pay an extra 45€ for the 3 live sessions.  Mail me and I will send you the registration link for your 2nd child.


Why do participants of the Shiny Kids Talent Camp 2021 and 2022 receive a discount?

Because they already learned some techniques during the camp.  This workshop provides additional integration with the parent.


We are already following some private sessions and would like to follow additional modules, is that possible?


Contact me via   Together we will look at which modules may still be applicable to you.


My child does not want to participate, can I only attend the workshop?


If you want to learn the techniques alone, you can learn them during a private session.













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