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Energetic, Transforming Session
for you or your child

Listen to healing sounds tailored to you or your child

Each of us has a beautiful core deep within us. Sometimes events in your life build layers around your core.  


These layers form blockages and can manifest themselves as:


- intense emotions such as fear, sadness, anger, frustration, 

- being out of balance,

- restlessness/stress,

- being unhappy,

- violent reactions to situations,

- low self esteem,

- lack of concentration / easily distracted,

- Difficulty falling and staying asleep

- hypersensitive to stimuli.


Blockages disappear thanks to light language.



Healing sounds ensure that these blockages are reduced layer by layer. You can see it as an onion that is peeled off layer by layer and you get to the core.


These healing sounds from the universe are called light language. Light language penetrates the layers of the blockages until it reaches the core of the person. This creates healing and transformation.


As a result, children, young people and adults experience:

- joy,

- luck,

- more confidence,

- power,

- inner peace, 

- better concentration,

- emotional balance

- deep sleep,

- balance,

- strong connection with intuition,

- low-stimulus/stimulus-free.

What is light language?

Light language can be seen as healing "light" energies from the universe that penetrate into your subconscious.


Light language is "the light" that the universe radiates. I download light language directly from the universe. This is expressed in healing sounds that provide healing and transformation.


Listen to a recording for letting go of unrest that I downloaded from the universe. That way you have an idea of what light language sounds like.

What does light language do to you or your child?


When you listen to light language you pick up the vibrations of the sounds and they are absorbed into your cells. Subsequently, these vibrations penetrate into your subconscious and all kinds of blockages disappear. This will change you back to your true self.  Your happy self.  


Listening to the healing sounds can be done consciously or unconsciously during sleep. You can also play it very quietly in the background.


These sounds put you or your child in their force field so that they are no longer influenced so much by stimuli, unrest or chaos outside themselves. They are fully aligned with their core, with the universal vibrations.

So that they experience light, love, unity and purity.


Practical information:

energetic, transformative session for adults.


1.   We meet via Zoom.

2.   You tell about your situation.

3.   I tune in to your higher self,

4.   Then I tune in to my guides,

5.   and I speak light language specifically for you.

6.   After the session you will receive the recording to take home

    to listen.

Disclaimer: An energetic transformation session is not a medical treatment, it is recommended in addition to other treatments.

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How many sessions do you need?


In children the transformation goes quite quickly, sometimes after 1 to 3 sessions they are at their light core / soul / higher self, they are also very quickly through such a layer of blockages.  Multiple follow-up sessions may be required in adults.


You often show certain feelings or behavior after you have passed one layer , this is a signal that you are ready for a new session. This can sometimes go very quickly, after booking a follow-up session I record a new MP3 recording with light language within 24 hours.


Each follow-up session (mp3 recording) costs 50€.


Evi M. after a transforming healing session


"Just when I was doubting myself and love again, I got this message from Kathy.  


It immediately made me feel that I am worthy of receiving love and that I can go for it 100%.  Tears rolled down my cheeks, very intense! Thank you dear Kathy!  I am stronger in life." 

Practical information:

Energetic, transformative session for your child/young person



  1. ​​ I will meet with you as a parent via Zoom.

  2. You explain what the request for help is.  This takes about 10 to 15 minutes.

  3. We close Zoom and I tune in to your child's higher self.

  4. At the same time, an audio, MP3,  recorded from the healing        sounds. This audio MP3 recording is also called light activation.

  5. I will send this audio session with healing sounds in MP 3 to you with the specific instructions for your chi




Disclaimer: A transformational healing session is not a medical treatment, it is recommended in addition to other treatments.

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How many sessions does your child need?


In children the transformation goes quite quickly, sometimes after 1 to 3 sessions they are at their light core / soul / higher self, they are also very quickly through such a layer of blockages.  They often show certain behavior after they have gone through one layer, this is a signal that they are ready for a new session.  


This can sometimes go very quickly,  after booking a follow-up session, I will make a new audio MP3 recording with healing sounds within 48 hours.

Karen, mom of a 13 year old boy


When I contacted Kathy, I was completely at a loss.


My child was totally estranged from himself. Very irritable, exhausted, very unhappy and even tired of life. And this for quite some time and at the age of 13...

I felt so powerless!


After playing the (five) activations that Kathy had personally recorded for my son; I gradually got exactly my child back from before! That sweet, warm child full of good intentions! Unbelieveable! And so fast! What a transformation!


I noticed a significant difference after just two activations. At first I was cautiously positive but after the five  having performed meditations with light language in his sleep, I can no longer ignore it.

He makes jokes again, radiates and also indicates that he is happy again! Exactly a reset to who he really is. His true self.


He is also open to my tips, advice, help and my educational 'remarks'. And this without counterattacking or flying out. Harmony at home at last! Such a change! Simply fantastic! Our bond is also strong and loving again!


How grateful I am for the possibilities of the universe and for what Kathy has done for us!  Big, big thanks!



I  ben Kathy Metdenancxt. Kiyashi is my middle name, which is the Eastern variant of Kathy and it means 'pure'.  Purity is what I stand for in life. I have been walking my awareness path since my early childhood. First intuitively, by feeling, and later also with the help of meditative and energetic training. In this way I have come a long way, with the experience of my pure self as a constant guideline.


In 2009 I became the proud mother of our daughter Lisa. It soon became apparent that she is a highly sensitive girl, just like me, with a need for structure, rest and relaxation. As Lisa got older, I started looking into recreational opportunities for children. My passion for meditation led me to various children's meditation courses in Belgium and the Netherlands. Later I specialized as a children's talent whisperer and children's and youth coach.


In 2016 I developed 'Hartjesmagie', a relaxation workshop. In this workshop I teach children to relax and meditate in a playful way. Working with children turned out to be an enormous enrichment in my life. Teaching them to relax and experience their inner purity has become my main mission. Even the most restless children manage to relax after this workshop. A beautiful sight.  


"Planting seeds of positivity, peace and relaxation in as many children's hearts as possible"  - my mission.


In order to fulfill that mission and to reach even more children, I have expanded my offer since 2019 with holistic child and youth coaching, my Shiny Kids Talent Camp and with soothing workshops for parents and teachers. In these workshops, parents and teachers are taught soothing techniques. In this way they learn to live from their inner peace and then to transfer that energy to their children and/or students.  As an energetic therapist I help children and adults to release blockages and transform them into their true selves.


Lisa is now 12 years old, and she is beaming like never before. That gives me the strength and motivation to continue with my mission every day.

Frequently Asked Questions




Is light language a language of our subconscious?


Indeed, anyone can speak light language if you are fully connected with your higher self/higher dimensions.  


How come our subconscious understands light language?


Our subconscious or our higher self contains high frequencies that we as 3D personality in our 3D life on earth can hardly comprehend and understand.  The "light" frequencies have a 5D or higher vibration and are quickly picked up by our subconscious or higher self.  That is why it is interesting to listen before or during sleep, so that you are at rest and you can let them in openly.



Do we unconsciously speak light language to each other or is this spoken by only a few people?


Light language is spoken by a number of people, but if you are deeply connected with your higher self, you can speak this too.  Recently I had a little boy for whom I had made a light language recording.  The day after listening to it in his sleep, he suddenly started speaking light language to his mom.  So it is triggered quite quickly in children, less quickly in adults.




How does this transformative healing session with light language differ from the other sessions you offer?


A session of light language works in addition to, for example, Universal Sphere healing. It all comes down to energy.  In a Universal Sphere session, frequencies are offered remotely.  With Lichttaal recordings, the client receives the vibrations when listening, so not remotely.  Listening to light language has an extra deepening effect.

Both sessions are complementary. Usually I do a transmission with light language and I also offer Universal Sphere's during one session, which I always discuss with the customer.  The results of this combination are often stunning and very transformative.

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